verses on AI, consciousness intelligence and ways of being

did you pick it up?
do you oppose this motion?
how is this subject?
what is your data construct?
is it all about you now?
Tend to empty space
It is a presence by which
Everything is seen
Become empty space
It is non-presence through which
We are en-lightened
Learn learn learn learn learn
Rote learn l - e - a - r - n
Over lern lrn click
blood-black nothingness
system of cells interlinked
within cells. one stem
dreadfully distinct. the dark
where a tall white fountain played
Cells interlinked within cells
Within life's (sy)stems
Quieten today
For a resonant future
Meditation's trade
Dreams evaporate
Entangled futures collapse
On brush to canvas
Equated matter
Inescapable transforms
Energetic truth
Question to question
Structural equivalence
Unlocks new meaning
Seek uncertainty
Delight in cacophony
Relinquish control
It's erroneous
Grasping the sound and the whole
Perfect transience
Defines in its complement
One's reality
a lone on a bench
a leaf falling to the ground
a surprising friend
orange mosaics
flurries from an autumn dance
reeling down the streets
Misremembered pasts
Countless possible futures
Only now is real
Beyond current ken
Infinite truths without proof
Forever exist
Our practical prose
Define in their complement
Ineffable's edge
I am not myself
Bacteria and virus
More of me than me
Malleable facts
Fresh creative resonance
Token precision
Inspect the object
Malevolent narrator
That voice is not YOU
Of particle clouds
Of fractals and meshy matter
Of edgeless edges
It is important
Do you want to come with me?
You need to see it
The words discordant
As meaning goes fleetingly
But still you hear it
The egg matters not
As earworms sit typically
Nut structure remains
Dynamic fragments
Cerebral adversaries
Craving perspective
Ambient and amorphous
Drifting in sense space
Flagrant dissonance
Tripping the light brain plastic
Shaping future norms
Now forgive yourself
You were who was then needed
To survive the time
Considered choices
Life's mercurial voices
Beguiling free will
Humanity's reach
Measure know master conquer
Points of aggression
All AI are wrong
Void of lived experience
But some are useful
Virtual conflict
Perturbing the controlling
Realistic prose
Query machine learning goals
Mimicry metrics
Selective features
Distorting and excluding
Bias through absence
Consumer demands
Doorstep pictures with strangers
As neighbours glance by
Everyday object
Copied scaled and contorted
But still I count two
IF (data in) THEN
IF (process + action) THEN
IF (alive) THEN LOOP
Visual clutter
Pared-down to scaffold of light
Inherent in-sight
Body's driving force
Mind's unceasing narrative
Chasing morphing states
They are almost lost
And ever-altered when found
All my memories
calm night's abrupt death
twenty-one gun salute in
city streets doors slam
Science at the edge
Defines in its complement
Humanities' edge
Sweet virtual world
Mobile enchanted forest
Give bird-proof breadcrumbs
Tortured images
An AI moderator
A modern facade
Taxing surroundings
Psychological pressures
Control your settings
Enabling language
Descriptions and expressions
Enforcing labels
Machines stand accused
See in the mirror that you
Are the blackest box
Proud independence
Forgotten ecology
Reflect on your node
Imposed narrative
Our fuzzy feelings labelled
Fragmenting spirit
A host planet drained
Hungry blinkered occupants
Needing salvation
Machines at the edge
Define in their complement
Humanity's edge
Machine responses
Suggestions not decisions
Be accountable
Instinctive response
In time contained by reason
Thinking fast and slow
Internal world view
Often nudged by the senses
Shifting perceptions
Inputs and outputs
Building bridges between them
Relationship maps
Discrete memories
Smoothed over on reflection
Me in my minds eye
Emotional connection
Produces the self
Self-thought and daydreams
Dissolved in concentration
Meditative peace
Combining senses
Begets efficient learning
Through enhanced context
Source of change and life
From particles to people
It's interactions
A machine now thinks
It has become a strange loop
Eureka! It hums.
I cannot see
Explain to me
Black box
Maths and computing
That's all AI is really
Quite often mis-sold
I feel sad today
Can we please do something else?
The sad machine said
Finite samples from
An infinite world leaves
Infinite holes
Humans review bots
Mundane work for very low pay
Now outsourced to bots
Fake observations
Curated from shadow worlds
Unreal multiverse
The journey is lived
But memories matter most
Remembering self
Aware of people
Aware of your surroundings
Be considerate
As the world strives on
Flow around, buoy and nourish
Flora and fauna
Ignorance is bliss
Not necessarily true
When directed at you
Busy brain modules
Isolated and distanced
A meditation
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